Sunday, September 8, 2024

Manifestation Spiral

July 16, 2011 by  
Filed under Boosting Manifestation

When you think of a spiral, you think of something going down. Imagine using that spiral to get rid of all of your negative energy, let it flow, let it spiral down until it is now longer visible, until you can no longer feel the negative energy that was once blocking your positive energy flow.

This spiral can also be used as a way of bring UP positive energy. Just imagine a pool of positive energy and you have a spiral straw, bring that positive energy up the straw and into your energy field, keep bringing it up until you are engulfed in positive energy. So you have a negative energy spiral that you let flow down until it is gone, and a positive energy flow that you bring up to fill your energy field.

The Law of Attraction dictates that when energy goes out, it comes back in the same form. This is not a new theory, just one that has not been fully understood or mastered. Our thoughts and energetic patterns create our reality. Yet, are we fully aware of what we are thinking and what type of energy we are putting out? On a surface level you may “think” you are doing one thing- but on another, more powerful level- something else is actually going on. This is what creates distortions in our energy fields and causes our own power of manifestation to be stagnant.

So let go of the negative and embrace the positive and you will see the change in your life very quickly!


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